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Showing posts from May, 2020

Summer Holiday Homework

Summer Holiday Homework Class 6      Week 1 worksheet VOCAB LIST AND COMMON PHRASES FOR WEEK 1 English Spanish Pronunciation Good morning. Buenos días. booEHN-os DEE-as Good afternoon. Buenas tardes. booEHN-as TAR-dehs Good evening. (greeting) Buenas noches. booEHN-as NO-chehs Hello, my name is John. Hola, me llamo Juan. OH-la meh YA-mo Wahn What is your name? ¿Cómo se llama usted? KOH-moh seh YA-mah oos-TEHD How are you? ¿Cómo está usted? KOH-moh ehs-TA oos-TEHD I am fine. Estoy bien. ehs-TOY bee-EHN Nice to meet you. Mucho gusto. MOO-choh GOOS-toh Goodbye. Adiós. ah-dee-OHS See you later. Hasta luego. AHS-ta looEH-go Where is the restroom? ¿Dónde está el baño? DOHN-deh ehs-TA el BAH-neeo Excuse me. Con permiso.  OR  Perdóname kohn pehr-MEE-soh  OR  pehr-DOH-nah-meh Please. Por favor. pohr fah-VOR Thank you. Gracías. gra-SEE-a...

Class Assessment

Click on the given link to attend the class assessment Do mark your attendance here  All the best


Buenos días chicos, I hope you are doing well and all of you have revised previous topics and perfected them. Today we are going to Gender of Noun. You have to memorize and rewrite all the rules with new examples.  Before we start, all of you open your register and note down the learning outcome of today's topic Learning outcome :  At the end of this class, the learner will be able to :  1) Learn definition of Noun 2) Gender in Spanish 3) Masculine and feminine nouns 4) exceptions  I guess all of you have written the LO. Now lets begin REVISION - GENDER OF NOUNS In Spanish, there  only 2 genders , masculine and feminine. It means that all nouns are either masculine or feminine.  No neuter gender in spanish.  let's look at the rule to identify which noun is Masculine and which one is feminine in Spanish language Rule #1 Nouns that end in “o” are masculine. el abuelo  →  the grandfather ...